That Morning Coffee

and a red airplane

From Steve’s Chronicles, Entry #4


Steve had no friends, but it never presented any problems to him. He always lived his life for himself, not caring about others and what they think. Every day for him was a party. He had no one to impress, no one’s ass to kiss, and no one to fear. …Read more »

From Steve’s Chronicles, Entry #3


After having gained a few pounds from the sedentary life Steve had led, he decided to go out one morning for a run. As he jogged in the park behind his apartment building, he realized life wasn’t going to treat him any differently than usual. …Read more »

From Steve’s Chronicles, Entry #2


Steve didn’t know he was beginning a journey into darkness when he quit his job. All he knew was relief from knowing he no longer had to answer to his old boss. For a few surreal days, his fears and uncertainties …Read more »